Question 1-2 프로그램 소개 & 인물 소개

by 아몬드바나나

프로그램 소개

  • 프로그램 시작 전, 참여자들에게 안내
  • 진행 순서(first, then, also)를 나타내는 부사 명확히 발음
Welcome to the third session of the interior design seminar. // Today(↗), / we will talk about furniture rearrangement. // First(↗), / we will discuss the ideal location of furniture / in living rooms(↗), / dining rooms(↗) / and bedrooms(↘). // Then(↗), / we'll see / how furniture rearrangement can change the atmopshere of the room. // By the time we're finished(↗), / your understanding of furniture rearrangement / will be much improved



인물 소개

  • 특정 인물의 이력 소개
  • 인물의 경력 및 주요 업적
Thank you for attending today's presentation on Next Generation Marketing. // I'm honored to introduce our guest(↗), / Julie Fell. // Dr. Fell(↗) has pormoted the importance of online marketing over 15 years. // Her speech today will be focused / on recent business trends / including marketing research(↗), / online businesses(↗) / social network marketing(↘). // Please join me in welcoming / Dr. Julie Fell.


블로그의 정보


